Buy SDT on PancakeSwap
Follow the steps below to learn how to buy SDT on PancakeSwap
Step 1: Click on the link below to visit PancakeSwap
Step 2: Proceed to "Connect Wallet"
Step 3: Select "MetaMask" from the list
Step 4: Click "Next"
Step 5: Click "Connect" and you should be connected to PCS
Step 6: Click on "Cake"
Step 7: Paste SDT contract address in the space provided and click "Import"
Step 8: Check the box "I understand" and click on "Import"
Step 9: Click on the settings icon
Step 10: Set spillage to 0.5%
Step 11: Input the amount of BNB you want to swap with and click on "Swap"
Step 12: Click on "Confirm Swap
Step 13: Click on "Confirm" to approve the transaction on MetaMask
Step 14: Click on "Close"
Done, your SDT will be deposited in your wallet.
Last updated